Enrique Figueredo

pasó por aquí
federación venezolana de bobsleigh
viajes de la gran flota blanca
make a rubbing
if I could build anything I wanted III
here in jamaica
if I could build anything I wanted II
if I could build anything I wanted
sos venezuela

©2024 Enrique Figueredo
Spiritus Gryphus Novus

Spiritus Gryphus Novus, woodcut, wood, textile, acrylic, colored pencil, 13 feet x 50 inches x 8 inches overall

Spiritus Gryphus Ara and Vultur

Spiritus Gryphus Ara (left) and Spiritus Gryphus Vultur (right), woodcut, 47.5 x 69.5 inches each

Spiritus Gryphus Ara and Vultur Shapes

Spiritus Gryphus Ara Shape (left) and Spiritus Gryphus Vultur Shape (right), woodcut, 47.5 x 69.5 inches each

El Griffino

El Griffiño, lithograph, 22 x 30 inches

Caribbean Griffin

Caribbean Griffin, etching, 11.25 x 15 inches

Andean Griffin

Andean Griffin, pencil, oil stick, colored pencil on paper, 24 x 40 inches

Caribbean Griffin Drawing

Caribbean Griffin, pencil, oil stick, colored pencil on paper, 24 x 40 inches

Maxell Lady

Maxell Lady, mixed media on canvas, 55 x 80 inches


Untitled, mixed media on canvas, 80 x 55 inches

Las Misses II

Las Misses II, woodcut, velvet, santin, fabric on canvas, 60 x 60 inches

Artefacto de la Biblioteca de Babel

Las Misses I, mixed media on canvas, 60 x 60 inches

La Miss

La Miss, woodcut on satin, 60 x 36 inches

La Miss Anterior

La Miss Anterior, woodcut on satin, 60 x 36 inches

Untitled Etching

Untitled, etching, 11 x 15 inches

Medieval Selfie

Medieval Selfie, woodcut, 16 x 24 inches